SudoWrite Review

SudoWrite Review

Our Verdict


SudoWrite stands as an innovative and powerful AI writing tool tailored to meet the creative needs of writers, both novice and seasoned. Its efficiency and user-friendly interface make it an excellent companion for anyone looking to bring their ideas to life.

One of its standout features, the Story Engine, is a remarkable tool for constructing plots, characters, and immersive narratives. While SudoWrite may not always be the fastest AI writer, the quality and depth of its output make it worth the wait.

The pricing structure is reasonable, considering the wealth of features, and the customer support, including webinars and tutorials, is top-notch. However, the tool's potential for integration with other platforms could be improved in the future.


Table of Contents

In our SudoWrite review we aim to go over everything this software has to offer, so here we go:

UI & Features

The Sudowrite main dashboard is simple yet intuitive, and it is designed in such a way that it allows you to dive into writing content from the first second you log in. 

The focus is on the text editor that gives you two starting options: start typing or generate a first draft. 


The text editor also has formatting options, such as adding different headings, lists, and text decorations.

Generate first draft” is the easiest way to understand how you should start using Sudowrite. It gives you the option to describe what your 1st draft should be about & also allows you to select from some predefined templates.


Above the editor, you have access to the menu with Sudowrite features:

  • Write: By using this feature, Sudowrite continues generating content based on your input in the text editor. For best results, write at least 20 words before using it.
  • Describe: This is one of the most used features of Sudowrite. It helps the writer add more context to his readers by providing a more detailed description of a word or phrase based on the five senses (sight, smell, taste, sound, touch), plus a metaphor option.
  • Rewrite: A feature found in most ai writers; it allows users to rewrite various content sections.
    It also provides a list of options for the rewritten version, such as: rephrase, shorter, more descriptive, show, not tell, more inner conflict, more intense. If none of these options are to your liking, you also have a “custom” option to input how you want the text to be rephrased.
  • Brainstorm: One of the main features of the Sudowrite AI writer, the brainstorming feature allows you to generate ideas and get you out of writer's block quickly. Below you can find the categories for which you can use it:
    • Dialogue
    • Characters
    • World Building
    • Plot Points
    • Names
    • Places
    • Objects
    • Descriptions
    • Article Ideas
    • Tweets
    • Something Else

The fields you must fill in for the options available in “Brainstorming” are the same as the “ Something Else” option, but all others come with predefined values that help the AI generate content for each purpose. How does this help?

 Beginners can start generating the desired content immediately, while more seasoned users can significantly decrease the time needed to get the content they want for Sudowrite.


In the “More” option that contains the following features:

  • Shrink Ray: With this option, Sudowrite will summarize the content from your current document into four output types: logline, blurb, synopsis, and outline.
  • Twist: Another feature that is very useful for escaping writer’s block.

    To use it, you need to select your story's genre(Fantasy, Science Fiction, Literary), type a few sentences for the content generator to know the context, and wait for it to write one or more unexpected twists for your story.

  • Characters: This is a really interesting feature. All you need to do is describe a bit the story you want to write, give the name and some details for one or more of the existing characters, and the AI will generate additional characters that could work in the same story.
  • Poem: The last feature from the “More” option, it is used to generate contemporary poems based on a topic, a title, and some seeds that you need to fill in.

Story Engine

Let’s now discuss one of the most powerful and unique features Sudowrite offers – the Story Engine. It is made explicitly for creative writers and can generate an entire novel's first draft in a weekend.

The Story Engine is made out of multiple sections. Some are used for input, while the rest are used for generating content.

In the following paragraphs, we’ll go through each of them, and in the Uses Cases chapter, we’ll use the Story Engine to generate an entire chapter for a novel idea I came up with. So keep reading.

The 1st step for using the Story Engine is to to give the AI some data to work with filling in the following:

  • Braindump: This is a free-form input where you write everything you know about your story. It doesn’t need to be in a specific order or written in a particular way. You just write what you know in whatever way you want it.
  • Genre: Here, you tell the AI writer what genre you want your story to be(e.g., romance, horror, fantasy). You can even mix multiple genres.
  • Style: Some info about the style of writing(e.g., short sentences, lots of dialogue, show, don’t tell).


These are the only fields you need to fill in to start generating content. Now, let's move to where the magic happens, and trust me, you’ll love it.


Fields that contain content generated by the AI:

  • Synopsis: Here, Sudowrite writes content that introduces the characters, their goals, and the central conflict. It also conveys the story’s tone, theme, and unique elements.
  • Characters: In this section, the AI starts giving life to the characters you wrote about in the Braindump section and also creates new characters that fit your novel.
  • Outline: Similar to the synopsis but more detailed, this section generates acts and chapters.
  • Beats(unique for each chapter): Everything written by you and generated by the AI is detailed here in a step-by-step way for the AI to start developing the final version of the novel in the last step. 
  • Prose(unique for each chapter): The final step on the Story Engine. Here the AI takes all the beats generated for the selected chapter and writes the first draft.


Note: You can update each section the AI generates to create the story as you see fit. Once you add all the modifications, you can rewrite the specific section with the newly added details


  •  I couldn't leave out the Canvas feature from my SudoWrite review as it is another feature I couldn’t find in any other AI content generator.

    It is a gigantic whiteboard where you can organize your work as you see fit. 

    Once inside, you have a bottom menu that allows you to do three things:

    • Add cards to the whiteboard: Once you add some context to the card, you can generate additional cards related to your main idea and slowly build your novel. You also have the option to visualize each card, meaning Sudowrite generates an image representative for each card.
    • Label things inside the whiteboard.
    • Generate a complete story outline using one of the following structures:
      • The Hero’s Journey
      • Hollywood Beats
      • Story Circle
      • Romance Outline

    Each element from the outline functions as the card described earlier, allowing you to generate as much content as you like for each chapter of your story.

Ease of Use

The Canvas is the only feature that requires getting used to because of its specific commands. Also, if you are not careful, you can scroll away from your work area and not find your way back easily (found out after a while that “CTRL+\” gets you back to the center of the board).

The main editor and the Story Engine provide a fantastic user experience, incredibly easy to use. All main features and tools are structured logically, and it’s very intuitive to use them, even for beginners.

Overall the guys from Sudowrite did a pretty good job organizing such a large number of functionalities in a very compact way.

Speed and Efficiency

Reading speed, SudoWrite is not the fastest ai content writer I’ve used, but it gets the job done. It generates content steadily and has never stopped or crashed while generating an output.

The only place where the content generation is slower than usual is in the last section of the Story Engine, but only if you go for the “Most Accurate” output-generating option. The good part here is that the content it generates is worth the wait 🙂.


When it comes to pricing, SudoWrite comes with three pricing options:

  • Hobby & Student ($19/month – paid monthly, $10/month – paid yearly): This version comes with 30,000 words per month. It’s the best option if you want to create short stories, posts, or essays.
  • Professional ($29/month – paid monthly, $25/month – paid yearly): At the time of writing this review, this is the best starting option as it comes with 90,000 words per month instead of the usual 45,000, so you get double the words at the same price.
  • Max ($129/month – paid monthly, $100/month – paid yearly): The most expensive pricing option. It comes with 300,000 words and is suited for users with previous experience with AI writers.

Customer Support

Sudowrite offers excellent customer support. Besides the email and live chat options available once you create an account, the Sudowrite team also offers weekly webinars and many tutorials, making the learning process easy. 

I suggest you join as many webinars as possible as you will get up to speed with using SudoWrite at its maximum potential much faster. 


Sadly, I had to mention in this SudoWrite review that the platform doesn’t offer the possibility to integrate with other 3rd party services. Things like Grammarly integration or a plagiarism checker would be a great addition.


In conclusion, SudoWrite is an innovative and powerful AI writing tool specifically designed to fuel the creative journey of writers.

Whether you're a budding storyteller or an established novelist, SudoWrite is an efficient and intuitive companion that helps bring your ideas to life.

Its unique features, such as the Story Engine and the Canvas, allow writers to delve deep into the complexities of storytelling, helping to construct plots, conceive characters, and weave immersive narratives.

While not always the fastest, the quality and depth of the output certainly make it worth the wait.

Pricing is reasonable considering the breadth of features, and the customer support, with its comprehensive tutorials and webinars, is exemplary. However, the potential for integration with other platforms could be a future enhancement.

From busting writer's block to generating whole novels, SudoWrite is a remarkable tool that can shape the future of creative writing.

It's more than just an AI tool – it's a virtual writing assistant that helps writers navigate the ocean of creativity and venture into uncharted territories of storytelling. So if you're in the realm of writing, exploring SudoWrite might be the adventure you've been waiting for!

You can click here Is It Worth The Hype? if you like to check out another SudoWrite review, or you can read more about AI writers here What is AI Writing Capable of? Article 1.

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