Top Mind Wellness Solutions

Top Mind Wellness Solutions

OK Digital Hunter, if you're looking for the top mind wellness tools, you've come to the right place! We've talked about fueling your body with the good stuff in the Eating Well section, but now let's dive into the awesome world of fueling your mind with positivity and motivation.

Just like a well-balanced diet keeps your body running smoothly, feeding your mind with positive thoughts and motivational messages is like giving your brain a turbocharge. Imagine it as your personal cheerleader, pushing you through those long hours of business-building, cheering you on when things get tough, and helping you see opportunities where others might only see challenges.

How you talk to yourself (not in the weird or strange way), shapes the way you think about everything. From your work life to your personal life, what you think makes a HUGE difference in your overall well being. You see, you're a magnificent concoction of every thought you've ever had, so why not make them fantastic ones? Buckle up, because we're about to explore the superpowers of thinking well, and trust us, it's going to be one wild ride!

Brian Tracy – The Path To Success.
Inner Talk – When Believing In Yourself Matters
Skillshare – Explore Your Creativity
MasterClass – Learn From The Best, Be Your Best
Coursera – Learn Without Limits

Table of Contents

Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy – The Path To Success.

Brian Tracy was the very first motivational speaker that I ever listened to (I was 18 years old) and it completely changed my life.  This is NOT hyperbole, it actually did change the way I think about everything.

He was the first person to make me aware of the “super-conscious creativity” which is where all the greatest ideas in human history have come from.  Brian may not have been the first person to come up with this, but the way explains it makes perfect sense.



In short, it starts with the quiet reflection of your inner-self, which I think of as the precursor to TM (Transcendental Meditation).  Anyway, I digress.  If you are really looking to get started in your journey of self improvement, Let Brian Tracy be your first stop.

In a world filled with self-help gurus and motivational speakers, Brian Tracy stands out as a beacon of inspiration and transformation. With over four decades of experience in personal and professional development, Tracy has left an indelible mark on the lives of millions of people worldwide. 

Brian Tracy's Free 14 Step Goal Setting Guide

Brian Tracy's FREE 14 Step Goal Setting Guide

What is the product’s purpose? This is a 3-part system that was designed to allow anybody, even if they are currently buried under debt, to realize massive financial success by providing the exact tools and techniques you need. Learn how to cultivate million-dollar habits by training your mind to achieve immeasurable prosperity.

How much does it cost? $47 Special Offer (Normally $248.90)

What does it include? This program includes 3 elements: Wealth Building Made Simple (15 Part MP3 Series), Maximum Achievement Affirmation (10 Track MP3 Series), and The Life Planning Process (44 Page PDF Workbook).

Brian Tracy Success Journey

Brian Tracy Success Journey Courses

 The Science of Self Confidence was designed to help individuals discover how the foundations of self-confidence and how it can transform your life. This compilation of CD’s, a DVD, and a planner will show you how to find your true self and how to win in any situation or negotiation. Join Brian and discover how to get the things you want, when you want them and learn how to believe in yourself.

How much does it cost? $197

What does it include?  9 – 1-hour CDs, 1 DVD, and a digital Goal Planner

Inner Talk

Inner Talk – When Believing In Yourself Matters

They have been improving lives since 1984, and the website looks like it 😉 They really can use an updated look, but I guess they figure if it ain't broke don't fix it. All jokes aside, they really do have some great titles to help you from the inside out.


Your mind is a powerful tool that can shape your life in profound ways. It's often compared to a bio-computer, and while this analogy holds some truth, the capabilities of the human mind go far beyond mere computation. Over the years, scientific research has revealed the incredible influence of the mind on our health, success, and overall well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore the transformative power of InnerTalk, a revolutionary technology that taps into the potential of your mind to help you achieve your personal best.

Title: Unlocking Your Mind's Potential with InnerTalk: A Life-Changing Journey

Introduction: Your mind is a powerful tool that can shape your life in profound ways. It's often compared to a bio-computer, and while this analogy holds some truth, the capabilities of the human mind go far beyond mere computation. Over the years, scientific research has revealed the incredible influence of the mind on our health, success, and overall well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore the transformative power of InnerTalk, a revolutionary technology that taps into the potential of your mind to help you achieve your personal best.

The Mind's Untapped Potential: Before delving into the InnerTalk technology, it's essential to understand a few fundamental truths about the human mind:

  1. Mind Over DNA: Scientific studies have shown that the mind can influence even traits we believed were hardwired by our DNA. For instance, in multiple personality studies, sudden eye color changes have been observed with personality switches, challenging our previous understanding of genetics.

  2. Underutilized Brain Power: It's estimated that the average person uses only about 10% of their brain's potential. This untapped 90% can be likened to an unused muscle, waiting to be developed.

  3. The Power of Self-Imposed Limitations: One of the most significant limitations individuals face is the self-imposed boundaries they create. Many have been programmed with limiting beliefs, which act as a script dictating their reality filled with self-doubt, fear, and anxiety.

The mind is, indeed, the ultimate frontier, and your true potential remains largely unrealized. This is where InnerTalk comes into play, offering a path to unlock your hidden abilities.

Inner Talk Homepage

I Told You The Page Looks Old

Discovering InnerTalk: InnerTalk is a remarkable technology designed to harness the untapped potential of your mind. It operates on the belief that when you truly believe in yourself, remarkable transformations can occur. This self-help tool employs a combination of positive affirmations and subliminal messaging to reprogram your subconscious mind.

Scientific Validation: InnerTalk isn't just a bold claim; it has undergone rigorous scientific scrutiny. Independent researchers at renowned institutions like Stanford University have conducted double-blind studies, consistently demonstrating the effectiveness of InnerTalk programs. These studies have covered a wide range of areas, from weight loss to attention deficit disorder (ADD), stress reduction to depression, and learning to examination anxiety.

Benefits of Using InnerTalk: The benefits of incorporating InnerTalk into your life are profound and varied. Here are some advantages:

  1. Positive Affirmations: InnerTalk utilizes positive affirmations, powerful statements that help you rewire your subconscious mind. This can lead to increased self-confidence, reduced stress, and a more optimistic outlook on life.

  2. Subliminal Messaging: Subliminal messages are delivered below the threshold of conscious perception, influencing your thoughts and behaviors on a subconscious level. This can be especially effective in reshaping your mindset.

  3. Wide Range of Topics: InnerTalk offers an extensive catalog of programs, each addressing specific areas of personal development. Whether you seek to improve self-esteem, manage stress, or achieve weight loss, there's a program tailored to your needs.

  4. Ease of Use: The InnerTalk program is incredibly user-friendly. You can listen to the audio recordings at your convenience, whether during meditation, relaxation, or even while working or sleeping.

  5. Real-Life Testimonials: Many individuals have reported significant improvements in various aspects of their lives after using InnerTalk. These testimonials attest to the program's ability to effect positive change.

Inner Talk Offerings

Inner Talk Sample Offerings

Conclusion: In conclusion, your mind holds immeasurable power, and InnerTalk is a groundbreaking tool that taps into this potential. By combining positive affirmations and subliminal messaging, InnerTalk empowers you to rewrite your subconscious script, eliminating self-imposed limitations, and fostering personal growth. While some may debate the science behind it, countless individuals have experienced life-changing results. As you embark on your journey of self-improvement, consider InnerTalk as a powerful ally in unlocking your true potential and achieving your personal best. Explore the InnerTalk catalog and begin your transformation today. Your mind is the key to your limitless potential, it's time to unlock it.


Skillshare – Explore Your Creativity

Are you itching to learn new skills, explore your creative side, or dive into the world of entrepreneurship? Look no further than Skillshare, the digital platform designed to connect you with a treasure trove of online courses led by real-world experts, creators, entrepreneurs, and professionals. Skillshare is here to teach you anything your heart desires!


Skillshare offers a vast array of courses that cater to creative and entrepreneurial aspirations. From fortifying your WordPress website security to mastering the art of painting fantasy woodlands in watercolor, the possibilities are endless. With a simple search, you can discover the perfect course to satisfy your curiosity. And if you're not sure where to start, Skillshare provides predetermined categories for effortless browsing. In 2023, the categories list is impressively extensive.  Read the full review to see more.

While creative courses take center stage, many “lifestyle” categories are equally creative in their own right. But if you prefer a more focused approach, Skillshare allows you to browse by 16 subcategories under “Create,” “Build,” and “Thrive.” With thousands of courses to choose from, you're virtually guaranteed to find one that matches your interests.

In 2022, Skillshare introduced Learning Paths to help you navigate their extensive course offerings. These curated collections of top-quality courses cover popular topics, and while they've grown to 60+ paths in 2023, more are being added regularly. Exploring these learning paths can be an excellent starting point for your Skillshare journey.

Skillshare creative learning featured stars

Skillshare - Featured Paths

Does Skillshare offer accreditation?

If you're wondering whether Skillshare courses come with accreditation, the answer is no. Skillshare isn't an accredited educational institution like traditional schools or colleges. Therefore, you won't receive formal certificates upon completion. While some instructors may seek external accreditation for their courses, it's not a common practice on the platform. If accredited courses are what you're after, platforms like Coursera or edX might be more suitable.

That said, in 2023, Skillshare has expanded its library of original content, collaborating with leading creatives to produce exclusive Skillshare Originals. While these are still relatively limited, with around 700 out of 30,000+ courses being Skillshare Originals, they offer unique content you won't find elsewhere.

Skillshare entrepreneurship classes

Skillshare - Entrepreneurship Classes

How does Skillshare work?

Skillshare's user-friendly platform grants members instant access to its extensive course catalog. While there used to be a free membership with access to select courses, it's been replaced by a free 30-day trial that unlocks all content. Finding and enrolling in courses is a breeze:

  1. Search for Your Skill:
    Simply search for the skill or topic you want to learn. With over 30,000 courses, you'll likely find more than a few options.

  2. Refine Your Search:
    Use filters to narrow down your choices. Filter courses by Skillshare Originals, Staff Picks, difficulty level (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced), course length (from under 15 minutes to over 60 minutes), and publication date to ensure the content aligns with your goals.

  3. Exploring a Course:
    Once you've found a course that intrigues you, read the course description, reviews, and the “About” section to gauge its suitability. Additionally, peruse the “Discussions” and “Project & Resources” sections for insights into the course's content and expectations.

  4. Dive In:
    If the course fits your needs, start learning immediately by playing the videos.


Skillshare provides the flexibility to learn at your own pace. The platform's courses are pre-recorded, allowing you to study whenever and wherever it's convenient for you. No more distractions from overly inquisitive classmates or the class clown!

The mobile app adds another layer of convenience, enabling you to access your courses on-the-go. Plus, the offline mode ensures you can continue learning even without a stable internet connection.

Is Skillshare Worth It?

Absolutely! Skillshare offers more than just a chance to learn; it provides an opportunity to reignite your love for learning. Whether you're looking to bolster your resume, redesign your home, or embrace a hobby, Skillshare has you covered. With a monthly fee of $14, Skillshare unleashes your potential, connecting you with motivated peers and experts who inspire and challenge you.


MasterClass – Learn From The Best, Be Your Best

In the world of online education, MasterClass has made a name for itself by offering unique, celebrity-taught courses that promise to transform your skills and knowledge. With an impressive lineup of instructors spanning various fields, MasterClass has garnered significant attention and a dedicated user base.


But is it worth the hype, or is it just another trendy online learning platform? In this MasterClass review for 2023, we'll take a deep dive into the platform's pros, cons, and whether it's a valuable investment for learners of all backgrounds.

What is MasterClass?

MasterClass is an online education platform that offers video-based courses taught by some of the world's most accomplished individuals. From renowned chefs like Gordon Ramsay to Oscar-winning directors like Martin Scorsese, MasterClass provides an opportunity to learn from the best in the business. The platform covers a wide range of subjects, including cooking, writing, acting, music, sports, business, and more.

MasterClass on YouTube - The Streaming Platform To Help You Be The Best You Can Be

MasterClass - The Streaming Platform To Help You Be The Best You Can Be

The Pros of MasterClass

  1.  World-Class Instructors: MasterClass brings in industry leaders and celebrities as instructors, providing unparalleled access to their expertise. This unique selling point sets it apart from many other online learning platforms.
  2.  High-Quality Production: The production quality of MasterClass courses is exceptional. The videos are professionally shot and edited, making the learning experience engaging and enjoyable.
  3.  Variety of Subjects: With a diverse catalog of courses, MasterClass caters to a broad audience. Whether you're interested in cooking, writing, or even space exploration, you'll likely find a course that piques your interest.
  4.  Lifetime Access: Once you subscribe, you have access to all the courses in the MasterClass library. You can revisit them as often as you like, even if you cancel your subscription.
  5.  Inspiration and Creativity: MasterClass courses often focus on the creative process and inspiration, making it a great choice for artists, writers, and anyone looking to tap into their creative side.


The Cons of MasterClass

  1.  Costly Subscription: MasterClass is relatively expensive compared to other online learning platforms. It operates on an annual subscription model, which might not be budget-friendly for some learners.
  2.  No Formal Certification: MasterClass does not provide formal certificates or degrees upon course completion. If you need recognized credentials, you'll need to look elsewhere.
  3.  Limited Interactivity: The courses are pre-recorded, which means there's no real-time interaction with instructors. You can't ask questions or get personalized feedback.
  4.  Not Ideal for Deep Skill Development: While MasterClass offers valuable insights and inspiration, it may not be the best choice for in-depth skill development in some fields. Practical application may require additional resources.
  5.  Subject Availability: While MasterClass covers a wide range of subjects, it may not have the depth or specialization that some learners seek, especially in niche areas.
  6.  Device and Connectivity Requirements: You'll need a reliable internet connection and compatible device to access MasterClass, which might not be accessible to everyone.


Is MasterClass Worth It?

Whether MasterClass is worth it depends on your learning goals, budget, and personal preferences. If you're looking for inspiration, exposure to industry leaders, and a unique learning experience, MasterClass can be a valuable investment. However, if you need formal certification, in-depth skill development, or more interactive courses, you might want to explore other options.
Ultimately, MasterClass is an excellent choice for those who appreciate learning from the best in their respective fields and are willing to invest in their personal and professional growth. It offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to be mentored by icons, and for many, that's worth the price of admission.

MasterClass Pricing - The Streaming Platform To Help You Be The Best You Can Be

MasterClass - Learn From The Best, Be Your Best

In 2023, MasterClass continues to shine as an innovative online education platform with a star-studded lineup of instructors. While it comes with its share of pros and cons, its unique approach to learning and the wealth of knowledge it offers make it a compelling choice for lifelong learners, creative minds, and those seeking inspiration from the best in the world.

Before you subscribe, carefully consider your learning objectives and budget. If MasterClass aligns with your goals and you're excited to learn from the likes of Serena Williams, Neil Gaiman, or Jane Goodall, then it's likely that you'll find it well worth the hype.


Coursera – Learn Without Limits

In today's fast-paced world, the quest for knowledge and personal growth has never been more accessible. Online education platforms have revolutionized the way we learn, and one of the leading names in this arena is Coursera. With a plethora of courses, degrees, and specializations from renowned institutions worldwide, Coursera has emerged as a go-to destination for learners of all backgrounds.


In this comprehensive Coursera review for 2023, we'll delve into its features, advantages, disadvantages, and whether it's worth your investment.

What is Coursera?

Coursera is an online learning platform founded in 2012 by two Stanford professors, Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller. It partners with top universities, colleges, and institutions globally to offer a wide variety of courses, degrees, and certificates across numerous disciplines, including technology, business, arts, and sciences. Coursera's mission is to provide universal access to high-quality education.

Get A Degree With Coursera

Get A Master's and Bachelor's Degree With Coursera

The Pros of Coursera

  1.  Wide Range of Courses: Coursera boasts an extensive catalog of courses, covering subjects from machine learning and data science to creative writing and personal development. There's something for everyone.
  2. Quality Content: Many courses on Coursera are created by prestigious institutions like Stanford, Yale, and the University of Michigan. The content is of high quality and up-to-date.
  3.  Flexibility: Coursera's on-demand format allows learners to access course materials at their own pace. This flexibility is perfect for those with busy schedules or varied time zones.
  4.  Affordable Options: While some courses are costly, Coursera also offers free audit options for most classes, making it accessible to learners on a budget.
  5.  Specializations and Degrees: Coursera offers in-depth specializations and even full degree programs. These can be ideal for career advancement or acquiring specialized knowledge.
  6.  Peer Interaction: Many courses include discussion forums and peer assessments, fostering collaboration and a sense of community among learners.
  7.  Certifications: Coursera provides certificates upon course completion, which can be a valuable addition to your resume or LinkedIn profile.
  8.  Coursera Plus: This subscription model offers unlimited access to courses, specializations, and professional certificates for a monthly fee, making it cost-effective for avid learners.


The Cons of Coursera

  1. Costly Specializations and Degrees: While individual courses can be affordable, specializations and degrees can be expensive, potentially limiting access for some learners.
  2. No Guarantees: Completing a Coursera course or degree does not guarantee employment or career advancement. The value of certificates can vary among employers.
  3. Variable Course Quality: Since Coursera partners with various institutions, course quality can vary, and not all courses may meet your expectations.
  4.  Limited Interaction: In large courses, it can be challenging to get personalized feedback or interact with instructors directly.
  5.  Technical Issues: Technical glitches or platform issues can occasionally disrupt the learning experience.
  6. Dependence on Internet: Coursera's courses rely on an internet connection, which may not be accessible to everyone.
  7.  Ownership of Content: Coursera owns the content, and access to course materials may be restricted once a course is completed.
  8.  Credential Recognition: While Coursera certificates are recognized by many employers, they may not hold the same weight as traditional degrees or industry certifications in some fields.
Coursera - Free Learning

Coursera - Free Learning


Coursera stands as a leading force in the online education landscape, offering a vast array of courses and opportunities for personal and professional development. Whether you're looking to acquire new skills, advance your career, or explore a passion, Coursera likely has something to offer.

However, the decision to invest in Coursera should be based on your individual goals, budget, and learning preferences. While Coursera is a valuable resource, it's important to research courses, read reviews, and consider your career objectives before enrolling.

In 2023, Coursera continues to be a beacon of learning and empowerment, helping individuals worldwide unlock their potential and seize new opportunities in an ever-evolving world. Whether you're embarking on a career change, seeking to enhance your skills, or simply nurturing your intellectual curiosity, Coursera remains a powerful ally on your educational journey.


In the pursuit of personal growth, mental well-being, and skill development, utilizing Mind Wellness Solutions like Brian Tracy, Inner Talk, Skillshare, MasterClass, and Coursera can be transformative. Each of these platforms offers its unique set of advantages, making them valuable resources for individuals striving to enhance their lives and careers.

Brian Tracy, with his expertise in personal development and motivation, provides valuable insights and strategies to unlock your potential and achieve your goals. His resources are particularly beneficial for those seeking clarity, motivation, and personal growth.

Inner Talk, harnessing the power of positive affirmations and subconscious programming, offers a holistic approach to mental well-being. It can help individuals overcome challenges, reduce stress, and cultivate a more positive mindset, ultimately leading to a happier and healthier life.

Skillshare, puts the onus on you to choose courses that align with your goals. While it's true that not every instructor rocks, the vast variety of content and the freedom to learn on your terms make Skillshare a remarkable learning platform. So, dive in, explore, and quench your thirst for knowledge with Skillshare!

MasterClass stands out for its celebrity-led courses, providing unparalleled access to industry icons and experts. It is an ideal platform for those seeking inspiration, creativity, and exposure to the best in various fields, from cooking to writing to filmmaking.

Coursera, with its extensive catalog of courses, degrees, and certificates from top universities and institutions, offers a comprehensive approach to skill development and education. It's a versatile platform for those looking to acquire specific knowledge, enhance their resumes, or even pursue higher education.

The choice of Mind Wellness Solutions should align with your individual goals, interests, and preferences. These platforms cater to a broad spectrum of needs, from mental well-being to skill enhancement to personal growth. By utilizing these resources effectively, you can embark on a journey of self-improvement, empowerment, and lifelong learning, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and successful life. Whether you seek motivation, inner peace, creative inspiration, or academic achievement, these solutions have the potential to empower you to reach your full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What are Mind Wellness Solutions?

Mind Wellness Solutions refer to a range of tools, practices, and resources designed to promote mental well-being, personal growth, and emotional health. These solutions encompass various techniques and platforms aimed at enhancing mental clarity, reducing stress, and improving overall quality of life.

Mind Wellness Solutions can benefit individuals in numerous ways, including reducing stress and anxiety, increasing self-awareness, boosting confidence, improving focus and productivity, and fostering a positive mindset. They can also help with personal development, goal achievement, and enhancing mental resilience.

Several popular Mind Wellness Solutions include meditation and mindfulness apps, positive affirmation programs like Inner Talk, motivational seminars and workshops by experts like Brian Tracy, online courses on platforms like MasterClass and Coursera, and various mental health and well-being resources.

Getting started with Mind Wellness Solutions typically involves identifying your specific goals and interests. You can explore various resources, such as meditation apps, self-help books, online courses, or motivational speakers, depending on your needs. It's essential to research and choose solutions that resonate with you personally.

Mind Wellness Solutions can be effective tools for managing and improving mental health, but they should not be considered a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatment. If you have serious mental health concerns, it's crucial to consult with a mental health professional for appropriate guidance and support.