review Review

Our Verdict

5/5 is a versatile and powerful AI writing tool that excels in many aspects. With its extensive set of features and templates, user-friendly interface, and impressive speed and efficiency, it's a top choice for content creation. is a robust tool for content creators, marketers, entrepreneurs, and businesses seeking to streamline content generation and harness the power of AI in their marketing efforts. Its impressive performance, ease of use, and comprehensive feature set make it a valuable asset for various digital endeavors.

While it may have some room for improvement in terms of integrations and minor text generation issues, it stands out as a top contender in the AI writing tool landscape.


Table of Contents

UI & Features

Starting with is easy. All you need to do is go to the website, create an account, and you will get to the dashboard. features offers an excellent selection of features, from a fantastic chatbot to a vast selection of content templates and tools covering every content aspect of your business. Chat

The first tool you see in the dashboard. It presents some options to get started, such as Real-Time Search, Long Form Content, and Brainstorming ideas.

You can access a library of prompts through the “Browse Prompts” option in the chat. Additionally, you can use the Brand Voice option by adding your company's brand voice to your account.

But of all these features, the most fantastic is the prompt library. It has many prompts for various use cases that help you immediately generate the content you need. 

Here is the list of prompts available in Copy.Ai at the time of this review:

Content/SEO: Article Generator, Backlink Outreach Email, Blog Outline, Blog Post, Customer Case Study, FAQ Generator, Headline Generator, Landing Page Copy, Product Brochure, Product Descriptions, Rewrite Content, SEO Content Brief, SEO Keyword Ideas, Short Summar, Step-by-Step Guide.

Email Marketing: AIDA(Attention-Interest-Desire) Framework, Email Subject Generator, FAB (Features-Advantages-Benefits) Framework, Newsletter From Recent News, Newsletter Inspiration, PAS (Pain-Agitate-Solution) Framework.

Paid Ads: Facebook Ad, Facebook Ad (PAS), Facebook Headlines, Facebook Video Script, Google Ads.

PR/Communications: Customer Case Study, Event Invite, Internal Memos, Pitch a Journalist, Press Release, Product Brochure.

Recruiting: LinkedIn Connection Invite Message.

Sales: 3 Step Outreach Sequence, Analyze Industry Trends, Brainstorm Pain Points, Competitive Analysis, Linkedin Boolean Search, Personalized Cold Email From LinkedIn Profile, Research Prospect From LinkedIn.

Social Media: Caption Generator, Generate Content Calendar, Headlines, Instagram Captions, LinkedIn Post, TikTok Script, Twitter Thread, Youtube Video Description.

Custom: The prompt library also allows you to create and save your custom prompts. 


The Infobase allows you to store specific information about various things from your business and reuse them in the chat or with other tools by referencing them using hashtags.

Brand Voice review allows you to add one or more brand voices to your account. The system detects your brand voice by analyzing various content types(e.g., blog articles, social media posts, company mission, website copy) that you must add to the system. Once the system analyses the content and detects the brand voice, it can use it in the chat to generate new content.

Unfortunately, at the time of this review, there is no possibility of using the brand voice within the templates and tools. You can use both features to generate the content you want and rewrite it in your brand voice using the chat as a workaround.


The templates section provides a customized user interface made up of 2 sections. A form specific to each template generates content based on the information you provide, and an editor on the right side is used to store the outputs you want to save. This is a handy feature as you can use the form multiple times without using another program to keep the results generated between outputs or lose the content entirely.

Blog Templates
Click Here
Social Media Templates
Click Here
Email Templates
Click Here
Fun Templates
Click Here
Website Templates
Click Here
Writing Tool Template
Click Here
General Business Template
Click Here
Case Study Templates
Click Here
Case Study Templates
Click Here
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The templates available are split into multiple categories, each with its custom content options:

Blog: Blog Post Wizard, Write Blog Intro, Write Blog Outline, Write Blog Section

Social Media Content: Discount or Special Promotion, Social Media Bio, Share Tips and Knowledge, Seasonal / Holiday, Showcase a Customer or Testimonial, Event Recap, Highlight Product or Benefit, Build Anticipation / Launch New Product, Share a Secret, Content or Giveaway Promotion, Event Promotion.

Email:  Event Recap Email, Build Anticipation / Launch New Product, Contest / Giveaway Email, Seasonal / Holiday Email

Fun: Motivational Quote, Song Lyrics, Short Story, Dating Profile, Wedding Vows

Website Copy: Sales Landing Page, About Us Copy

Writing Tool: Freestyle

General Business: Job Description, Rejection Letter, Hiring Blurb, Ask an Expert

Case Study: Case Study Overview, Case Study Problem Statement, Case Study Solution Statement, Case Study Result Statement, 

Video: Intro to a Video Script, Youtube Video Description, Youtube Channel Description, Share Latest Video on Social Media.

What I like about the templates that provides is the diversity. Compared to its competitors that primarily focus on website content and online ads, break the pattern and offers its’ users content that they can use for personal matters(e.g., Wedding vows, dating profiles, song lyrics) as well as content for task that are not related to marketing and content creation such as HR (e.g., Job Description, Rejection Letter, Hiring Blurb). also could improve some aspects of its templates. There is no option for creating ad copy for Facebook, Google, and other platforms. It is possible to generate them in another platform section called “Tools”, which we will discuss in the next section.


Cold Sales Email Tool
Click Here
Recruiting Outreach Email Tool
Click Here
Recruting Linkedin InMail Tool
Click Here
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Below you can find all the categories and subcategories available for you:

Workflow Tools: Recruiting LinkedIn InMail, Recruiting Outreach Email, Sales Cold Email, Sales LinkedIn InMail, SEO Content Brief, SEO Website Copy.

Product Descriptions: Product Descriptions 

Digital Ad Copy: Ad Copy Variants, Facebook Headlines, Facebook Link Descriptions, Facebook Listicle, Facebook Primary Text, General Ad Copy, Google Descriptions, Google Headlines, LinkedIn Ad Copy.

Startup Tools: Audience Refiner, Brand Mission, Brand Voice, Motto Generator, Value Proposition.

Website Copy: Call to Action, Event Copy, Landing Page Hero Text, Listicle, Meta Descriptions, Microcopy, Question Generator, Social Proof Text, Subheader, Testimonial Rewriter.

Blog Tools: Blog Conclusion, Blog Ideas, Blog Intro, Blog Outline, Blog Title, Blog Title – Listicle, Bullet Point to Blog Section, Freestyle, Keyword Generator.

Email/Letter: Cancellation Email, Catchy Email Subject Lines, Confirmation Emails, Follow-Up Email, Thank You Note, Welcome Email.

Social Media Tools: Add Emoji to List, Bullet Points, Carousel Post, Crazy Youtube Ideas, Hashtag Generator, Hook Generator, Instagram Captions, Instagram Product Showcase, Keywords Generator, Launch Your Product, Relatable Experiences, Short Text Hook, TikTok Brainstorm Topics, Video Call to Action, Youtube Description Intro, Youtube Video Titles.

Sales Copy: AIDA Framework, Before-After-Bridge, Feature to Benefits, Feature-Advantage-Benefit, Marketing Angles, Pain-Agitate-Solution, Problem-Promise-Proof-Proposal, QUEST Copywriting.

Writing Tools: Adjective Accelerator, Analogy Generator, Bullet Point to Blog Section, Bullet Point to Paragraph, Cliffhanger, Essay Intro, Essay Outline, Explain Like I'm 5, Freestyle, Freestyle, Hero Story Villain, Passive To Active Voice, Press Release Intros, Rewrite With Keywords, Sentence Rewriter, Simplify Sentences, Tone Changer, Two Sentence Stories, Verb Booster.

Brainstorming Tools: Growth Ideas, Name Generator, Next Product, Startup Ideas, Viral Ideas.

The section has a great selection of tools for generating almost all types of content you need. It could use some reorganizing and more additions for content related to Amazon products/ads and other social platforms such as Pinterest, Reddit, or Quora. These types of content could be far more helpful than some of the ones available, such as those in the “Brainstorming Tools” category.     

In the next chapter, we will demonstrate each of the features available in so you can better understand its capabilities and see if it is the right AI writer for you.

Use Cases

Easy of Use has one of the cleanest and most user-friendly interfaces of all AI writers we’ve tested. All features are at your fingertips, and you can quickly move through the dashboard without going back and forth through multiple screens. 

The fact that you can generate content on one side of the screen and easily add it.

Speed and Efficiency

Regarding speed & efficiency, scores are at the top of the leaderboard. The AI generates results almost instantly, and I have never encountered lags or crashes. 

The Tools feature lets you switch between content types without leaving the editor. This feature alone saves a lot of time when creating content.

Speed and Efficiency

Same as before, the generated content is on point, but what I’ve noticed this time(and I think it happened last time as well) is that Jasper stopped in mid-sentence. I needed to use the “Continue Writing” option again to complete the paragraph.


When it comes to pricing, offers three pricing models:

  • Free: Compared to its competitors, the free version only gives you a feel of the dashboard and a small overview of its features. The main limitation is its 2000 words/month limit, which doesn’t allow you to test its capabilities thoroughly.
  • Pro($36/month billed yearly or $49/month billed monthly): The best pricing option to start using at its full potential. This option has unlimited words, multi-user access, unlimited projects & brand voices, and options to create content in more than 29 languages.
  • Enterprise: The last pricing option available. It is dedicated to larger businesses or to businesses that require the use of automation. It has no standard pricing.

How would I approach creating an account on now after using it for a while:

Step 1:

Have a clear goal for what you want to use the AI. Create a free account and use the 2000 words to generate one piece of large content(e.g., blog article, LP copy) or multiple versions of a small content type (e.g., Ad Headlines, Ad Descriptions) to ensure that generates high-quality outputs for the kind of content you need most for your business. 

Step 2:

Once you have seen that the AI fulfills your content needs, select between the monthly or yearly version of This choice comes down to your budget and the time you want to use the AI. I would still start with a 1-month pro subscription to ensure the AI delivers according to my business needs. 

Customer Support

Unfortunately (but also as a good sign), I never had to use the customer support option until now. Regardless, only offers dedicated support to paying users, unlike some competitors that are offering quality support in the trial period as well. For the free version, you only get to contact them through the Contact Us form. 

You can also access a help center, which acts more as a tutorials database, as you do not have the option to post a question.


At the time of this review (August 2023), the only available integration for the Pro version of is the ability to integrate GPT-4 in the chat. More versions may be available, but you would need an Enterprise account to access them.

For some reason, this time, it required three actions of “Continue Writing” to finalize the text, but the result it generated was top-notch. If you have a product review website and lack inspiration when writing about the features of your product, Jasper won’t let you down. The list of features is written in a professional way that could make your users want to learn more about the products you review.

After four tests with various types of commands, here is my review conclusion:


In conclusion, is a powerful AI writing tool that offers a wide range of features and templates to assist in content creation for various business needs. With its user-friendly interface and impressive speed and efficiency, stands out as a top contender among AI writers.

The chat feature, especially the prompt library, is a valuable resource for generating content quickly and effortlessly. The Infobase and Brand Voice options add further customization options for users to tailor their content to their brand's personality and style.

While the pricing options cater to different user requirements, the free version might be limiting for thorough testing, making the Pro version the recommended starting point for most users.'s customer support, although dedicated to paying users, has received positive feedback, but I have yet to experience it personally. The limited integration options might be a drawback for some users, but the GPT-4 integration for Pro users adds an extra layer of versatility.

Overall, is a valuable tool for content creators, marketers, entrepreneurs, and businesses looking to streamline their content generation process and leverage the power of AI in their marketing efforts. With its impressive performance and ease of use, offers significant potential to enhance and expedite content creation for any digital journey.

We hope our review provides you with all the information you needed. 

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